Symposium Guide

Miami Cancer Institute Oncology Rehabilitation Symposium, 4th Annual
Saturday, October 19, 2024


Claim CME/CE Credit

Option 1: Text the six-letter code provided at the end of the symposium to (754) 203-8885. You will receive a message confirming your attendance.

Option 2: Scan the QR code shown below with your mobile phone, and enter the six-letter code provided at the symposium to receive your credit.

QR Code


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8:05 AM Introduction - Why Lifestyle Issues Matter to Cancer Survivors
Adrian Cristian, M.D.
8:40 AMThe Role of Integrative Medicine in Improving Lifestyle Modifications of Cancer Survivors
Lisa Reale, M.D.
9:15 AMSurvivorship Nutrition
Jacqueline Rodriguez, RDN, CSO, LDN
9:50 AMExercise for Cancer Survivors
Paige D. Douglass, M.S., ACSM-CEP, ACSM-CET
10:25 AMBreak and Visit Exhibits 
10:40 AMMental Health Challenges Faced by Cancer Survivors and the SMART Program at Miami Cancer Institute
Kristina Espinosa, Psy.D., PMH-C
11:15 AMSleep Disorders in Cancer Survivors
Constanza Martinez Pinanez, M.D.
11:50 AMAddressing Breast Cancer-Related and Treatment-Related Impairments Through Lifestyle Medicine
Romer Orada, D.O.
12:25 PMLunch and Visit Exhibits
1:10 PMRole of Survivorship for Cancer Survivors
Marie M. Fernandez, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC
1:45 PMRole of Physical Therapy in the Care of Cancer Survivors
Anita S. Parrondo, P.T., DPT, LMT, CLT-LANA
2:20 PMMassage Therapy for Cancer Survivors
Paola D. Collazos, M.T.
2:55 PMBreak and Visit Exhibits 
3:10 PMPreventing and Improving Cancer Outcomes with Lifestyle Modifications
Yuliya Linhares, M.D.
3:45 PMArts in Medicine: Impact on the Health Outcomes of Oncology Patients During Chemotherapy Infusion
M. Beatriz Currier, M.D.
4:20 PMClosing Remarks and Adjourn
Symposium Directors

NOTE: Schedule subject to change.


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