
Video Tutorials

What is the MATE Act and how does it affect my DEA license and CME credit requirements?

What is the MATE Act and how does it affect my DEA license and CME credit requirements?

The Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act requires new or renewing Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) registrants, as of June 27, 2023, to have completed at least eight hours of training in opioid or other substance use disorders, as well as the safe pharmacological management of dental pain.

The eight required hours of training can occur through classroom situations, seminars at professional society meetings, virtual platforms, or via other accredited continuing education sources. Practitioners who previously took training to meet the requirements of the DATA-2000 waiver to prescribe buprenorphine may count this training towards the eight-hour training requirement. Additionally, the eight hours do not have to be completed in one session and can be satisfied through a combination of CME activities.

The following courses offered by Baptist Health CME fall within recommendations for curricular elements in Substance Use Disorders Training.

View all courses

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Managing Your Account

How do I create an account? How do I reset my password? How do I update my personal information?

How do I create an account?

  • Go to or the "Continuing Medical Education" links box at the left.
  • Select "Create New Account".
  • Complete all required fields under the Create a New Account tab.

How do I reset my password?

  • Go to
  • Click on My CME. 
  • Select Log in. 
  • Select Request New Password tab. 
  • Submit username or email address associated with your profile and select email new password.

How do I update my personal information?

  • Go to
  • Click on My CME.
  • Log in.
  • Select Edit.
  • Select Profile.
  • Confirm or provide your license number and complete the OCCUPATION field for accurate credit reporting to CE Broker and proper credit mapping.
  • Select Save.

Accessing Transcripts and Certificates

How do I obtain my Baptist Health CME transcript? How do I obtain another copy of a certificate for a course I attended?

How do I obtain my Baptist Health CME transcript?

  • Go to
  • Click on My CME.
  • Log in.
  • Select My Account at the top right-hand corner the page.
  • Select the My Activities tab.
  • Enter your desired date range. Select Apply.
  • Click the PDF icon on right-hand side of the page to download and print an official Baptist Health South Florida CME Transcript.

How do I obtain another copy of a certificate for a course I attended?

  • Go to
  • Click on My CME.
  • Log in.
  • Select My Account at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  • Select the My Activities tab.
  • Enter your desired date range. Select Apply.
  • Select Download under the certificate column for the course you attended.

Browsing the Baptist Health CME Portal

Where do I find a complete list of courses available through Baptist Health CME? What is Baptist Health’s CME Program accreditation status?

Where do I find a complete list of courses available through Baptist Health CME?

  • Go to or the "Continuing Medical Education" links box at the left.
  • Select Browse Catalog. 
  • Select Full Catalog or Online Catalog. 
  • Search activities by format, specialty, credit types and keyword. 
  • Select Apply. 
  • A filtered catalog will display.

What is Baptist Health’s CME Program accreditation status?

Baptist Health South Florida is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Baptist Health has been re-surveyed by the ACCME and awarded Commendation for 6 years as a provider of CME for physicians.

As an accredited provider Baptist Health South Florida is able to designate compliant activities with AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.


Registering for a CME Activity

How do I register for a course? How do I register for a live webinar? How do I connect to a live webinar?

How do I register for a course?

For a record of courses attended:

  • Click on My CME.
  • Click on Catalog.
  • Search through activities.
  • Click the Register or Add to Cart (paid courses) button.
  • Enter your user ID and password to sign in. If you don’t have an account, click Register on the top right navigation to create one.
  • You will receive an email to confirm your registration. Please be sure to update/provide your license number and OCCUPATION on your user profile to ensure proper crediting through CE Broker.

How do I register for a live webinar?

Select the live webinar event from the catalog. Preregistration is required to receive the login information. Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device.

  1. You will receive a reminder email 2 days prior to the event start time with a link to join the webinar.
  2. If you saved the event to your calendar, the link to join the webinar is part of your appointment.
  3. The password is 1234.

How do I connect to a live webinar?

Select the live webinar event from the catalog. Preregistration is required to receive the login information. Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device.

  1. You will receive a reminder email 2 days prior to the event start time with a link to join the webinar.
  2. If you saved the event to your calendar, the link to join the webinar is part of your appointment.
  3. The password is 1234.

Planning a CME Activity

I have an idea for a CME activity. Whom do I contact? Can a physician earn AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for teaching at a certified CME activity? If so, how much credit is earned for these activities?

I have an idea for a CME activity. Whom do I contact?

We encourage and rely on physician input regarding future topics and speakers. Please send an email to the Continuing Medical Education Department at


Can a physician earn AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for teaching at a certified CME activity? If so, how much credit is earned for these activities?

Yes, physicians may earn AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for the learning that occurs in the preparation and teaching of an original presentation at a live activity certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. There are two ways physicians may obtain this credit:

  1. The physician can apply directly to the AMA (processing fee involved. Click here for more information.
  2. The accredited CME provider may develop Faculty credit as a CME activity and award AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ to the faculty of their live activities for the learning associated with the preparation and teaching of an original presentation if they meet all AMA PRA requirements.

To calculate the number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ earned as faculty:

  • Physician faculty may claim credit based on a 4-to-1 ratio to presentation time. For example, faculty may be awarded up to 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for a one-hour presentation or up to 3 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for a 45-minute presentation for sessions that were designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Credit should be rounded to the nearest one-quarter credit.
  • Credit may only be claimed once for an original presentation; credit may not be claimed for subsequent presentations of the same material.
  • Physician faculty may not claim credit as a participant for their own presentations; however, they may claim credit for other segments they attend as a participant at a certified live activity.

Credit Reporting for Florida Licences

Are you a healthcare professional licensed in Florida?

In order to ensure accurate reporting to CE Broker, please follow these additional instructions. Learn More


In order to ensure accurate reporting to CE Broker, please follow these additional instructions.

  • The first, middle, and last name on your account must match the name on your license.
  • The profession on your account must match the profession on your license.
  • Your Florida license number must include your license prefix with no spaces and no leading zeroes.
    •   INCORRECT: ME  12345, ME0012345, or 12345.
    •   CORRECT: ME12345
Review Your Profile  
How do I report my credits to the Florida Department of Health? How do I report my credits to the Florida Department of Psychology? I self-submitted my credit/s to the Florida Board of Psychology through CE Broker and have received a duplicate credit error stating that the credit reported by Baptist Health has been classified as general non-psychology credits on CE Broker. How can I proceed with self-reporting credits to the Florida Board of Psychology that are relevant to my practice? How many credits must I complete to maintain my licensure?

How do I report my credits to the Florida Department of Health?

Credits are automatically reported to CE Broker for users who have provided license and occupation information on their user profiles. See “How do I update my personal information?” for instructions on how to complete/provide this information.


How do I report my credits to the Florida Department of Psychology?

Credits are automatically reported to CE Broker for users who have provided license and occupation information on their user profiles. See “How do I update my personal information?” for instructions on how to complete/provide this information.

Psychologists are able to self-submit courses that are not directly approved by Baptist Health for psychology credit directly to the Florida Board of Psychology through CE Broker.

For instructions on how to self-report your credits to CE Broker, please visit


I self-submitted my credit/s to the Florida Board of Psychology through CE Broker and have received a duplicate credit error stating that the credit reported by Baptist Health has been classified as general non-psychology credits on CE Broker. How can I proceed with self-reporting credits to the Florida Board of Psychology that are relevant to my practice?

Psychologists are able to self-submit courses that are not directly approved by Baptist Health for psychology credit directly to the Florida Board of Psychology through CE Broker as relevant to their practice of psychology. If you would like to have the general non-psychology credit removed from your CE Broker roster, please complete the attached form, and a CME representative will contact you with further instructions.


How many credits must I complete to maintain my licensure?

Physicians licensed in Florida must complete 40 hours of continuing medical education every two years as required by the Florida Board of Medicine. Physicians from other states should refer to their state board of medicine or medical association.

The Florida Board of Psychology requires that each licensee complete 40 hours of continuing psychological education every two years. 


Credit Reporting for Specialty Boards

Does Baptist Health share my information with specialty boards? Does Baptist Health CME offer maintenance of certification (MOC) points? How do I self-report my credit certificate to the American Registry for Digital Medical Sonography (ARDMS)? Do the Baptist Health online course offerings meet American Board of Radiology SA–CME requirements? Are Baptist Health’s online courses accepted by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) to fulfill lifelong learning CME requirements? Are Baptist Health online course offerings approved by ACPE for pharmacists? Do Baptist Health online MOC courses meet Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada MOC Program requirements?

Does Baptist Health share my information with specialty boards?

Yes. By creating an account on the CME Portal and providing your diplomate number, you consent to share your learner data with specialty boards via ACCME’s PARS reporting system.


Does Baptist Health CME offer maintenance of certification (MOC) points?

Yes. Search our catalog by credit type to view a filtered catalog with specialty board MOC courses.

View all MOC courses


How do I self-report my credit certificate to the American Registry for Digital Medical Sonography (ARDMS)?

To self-report your credit certificate, you must first download your credit certificate from the Baptist Health CME Portal.

  1. Visit My Transcripts.
  2. If prompted, log in to the Baptist Health CME Portal.
  3. Enter your desired date range. Select Apply.
  4. Select Download under the certificate column for the course you attended.

For instructions on how to report your credit certificate to the ADRMS, please visit


Do the Baptist Health online course offerings meet American Board of Radiology SA–CME requirements?

Baptist Health’s online enduring AMA PRA Category 1™ courses are considered self-assessment CME (SA-CME) by the American Board of Radiology. All of our online courses have been approved by the AMA as enduring materials and they do meet diplomates' self-assessment requirement for the MOC program.

Learn more about American Board of Radiology SA-CME requirements.


Are Baptist Health’s online courses accepted by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) to fulfill lifelong learning CME requirements?

Online courses can be self-submitted to the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology to meet lifelong learning (CME) requirements. Baptist Health CME is not responsible for individual learner submissions to the ABPN.

Baptist Health online learning program courses do not meet American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology designation for self-assessment CME.

American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Continuing Medical Education (CME) - American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (


Are Baptist Health online course offerings approved by ACPE for pharmacists?

Baptist Health provides Florida Board of Pharmacy credit. Our courses are not ACPE accredited. Please self-report your completions to the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy through CPE Monitor. Please report your credits through the paid CPE Monitor Plus account to be able to claim the credits through ACPE.


Do Baptist Health online MOC courses meet Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada MOC Program requirements?

Through an agreement between the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, medical practitioners participating in the Royal College MOC Program may record completion of accredited activities registered under the ACCME’s “CME in Support of MOC” program in Section 3 of the Royal College’s MOC Program.

For more information, visit


Technical Support

Can you accommodate my special needs? What is the process for informing the Baptist Health CME Office that I have a special need? What are the computer requirements for the Baptist Health CME platform? I am trying to create a new account and cannot select the Captcha question on my browser. How can I create a new account? What should I do if I experience an Error 400 message when attempting to launch a course?

Can you accommodate my special needs? What is the process for informing the Baptist Health CME Office that I have a special need?

Please check the appropriate field on the registration page, and we will contact you to determine your specific requirements.

NOTE: We should receive this notification no less than two weeks prior to the conference date.


What are the computer requirements for the Baptist Health CME platform?

  • Internet connection:  An Internet connection with a minimum 56kbps modem is suggested.
  • Audio: For all CME activities featuring audio you must have a sound card and speakers. 
  • This site is best viewed on the two most recent stable releases of the following browsers for all public pages:
  • PCs Running Windows
    • Google Chrome (Preferred): Download free web browser for PC, Mac, phone and tablet.
    • Internet Explorer (IE 11 and above recommended).
    • Mozilla Firefox: You may be prompted under the “This Connection is Untrusted” screen to add “” and “” under “add exceptions.”
  • Apple Computers Running macOS
    • Google Chrome (Preferred): Download free web browser for PC, Mac, phone and tablet.
    • Safari
    • Mozilla Firefox: You may be prompted under the “This Connection is Untrusted” screen to add “” and “” under “add exceptions.”

I am trying to create a new account and cannot select the Captcha question on my browser. How can I create a new account?

This is a browser version issue. Our platform supports the two most recent versions of Firefox and Google Chrome and only supports Internet Explorer 11. Please either update your browser or download the preferred browser Google Chrome.

Google Chrome (Preferred): Download free web browser for PC, Mac, phone and tablet.


What should I do if I experience an Error 400 message when attempting to launch a course?

To correct this issue, you will need to reset the cookies on your browser as shown below and restart your browser.

Google Chrome:

  1. Select the 3-dot menu in the upper-right corner of the Chrome screen.
  2. In the dropdown menu, select More Tools > Clear browsing data.
  3. Select the Cookies and other site data checkbox.
  4. Select the Time range drop-down arrow and choose All time.
  5. Select Clear data.

Microsoft Edge:

  1. Press Alt+F on your keyboard.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. On the left hand side, select Cookies and site permissions.
  4. Under the Manage and delete cookies and site data section click See all cookies and site data.
  5. Click Remove all.
  6. Click on Clear and wait for that dialogue box to exit.


  1. Select the menu (the 3 horizontal bars in the upper-right corner of Firefox).
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Privacy & Security.
  4. In the Cookies and Site Data section, select Clear Data.
  5. Select the Cookies and Site Data checkbox, then select Clear.
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Phone: 786-596-2398
Fax: 786-533-9821



Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
Excludes federal holidays. Appointments only.



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