Infections of the Ear, Nose, Throat and Neck


This course will address the presentation, diagnosis and appropriate and effective treatment of common ENT infections.

Target Audience

Family physicians, general internists, hospitalists and physician assistants. 

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and diagnose common infections of the ears, nose, throat and neck.
  • Formulate a management plan that includes proper and timely use of diagnostic tests, including laboratory studies and imaging.
  • Determine the appropriate and effective use of antibiotics and adjunctive measures.
  • Describe proper patient follow-up and recognize when referral to a consultant is necessary.
  • Appropriately document findings and prior treatments.
Additional information
  • Kahn, K. (2016, March 27). Acute Mastoiditis: Pearls and Pitfalls. Retrieved from
  • Batterham, S. (2018, March 6). Bacterial Parotitis. Retrieved July 10, 2019 from
  • Best Practice. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Consultant360. (2012, May). Peritonsillar Abcess. Retrieved from
  • Ephrat, M. (n.d.). Acute Sinusitis in HD. Retrieved from
Course Summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.00 General certificate of attendance
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


Alberto D. Fernandez, M.D., FACS
South Florida ENT Associates, P.A.
Baptist, South Miami, Homestead, Doctors and West Kendall Baptist Hospitals
Miami, Florida

Alberto D. Fernandez, M.D., FACS, indicated that he is a shareholder in South Florida ENT Associates, and he will not include off-label or unapproved product usage in his presentation or discussion.

Non-faculty contributors and others involved in the planning, development and editing/review of the content have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Disclosure Policy and Disclaimer


Baptist Health South Florida is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Baptist Health has been re-surveyed by the ACCME and awarded Commendation for 6 years as a provider of CME for physicians.
Baptist Health South Florida designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.



Available Credit

  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.00 General certificate of attendance

Register/Take course

Please login or register for a Baptist Health CME account to take this course.

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  • Apple iOS mobile devices running iOS 10 or later
  • Android mobile devices running Android 4.4 or later, with the latest release of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
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