Live event at Baptist Hospital - Improving Hospital Stroke Care with Pre- Hospital Interventions: FAST- ED

MIami, FL US
May 23, 2017


FAST-ED is a simple scale that if successfully validated in the field, may be used by medical emergency professionals to identify patients with large vessel occlusion.  This would allow for a faster triage once the patient arrives at the hospital. This conference will highlight the in-hospital acute stroke care process changes due to the implementation of this initiative, as well as an assessment of preliminary data regarding its performance.   

Target Audience

Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Neuroradiologists, Interventional Radiologists, Radiologists, Vascular Surgeons, Cardiologists, Internists, Hospitalists, Critical Care Physicians, Emergency Medicine Physicians, Neuropsychologists, Physician Assistants, Technicians, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Pharmacists, Respiratory Therapists and other interested healthcare providers.



Learning Objectives

  • List the details regarding the EMS/Fire Rescue FAST-ED stroke initiative.
  • Explain how the in-hospital acute stroke care process has changed due to this initiative.
  • Assess preliminary data regarding the performance of the FAST-ED initiative.
Course Summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
05/23/2017 - 12:00pm EDT
Event ends: 
05/23/2017 - 1:00pm EDT


Baptist Hospital
8900 N. Kendall Dr
MIami, FL 33176
United States


Felipe de los Rios, M.D.
Medical Director, Baptist Hospital Comprehensive Stroke Center & Baptist Health South Florida Stroke Program
Voluntary Assistant Professor of Neurology
University of Cincinnati Department of Neurology & Rehabilitation Medicine
Florida International University, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
Miami, Florida

Felipe de los Rios, M.D., indicated that neither he nor his spouse/partner has relevant financial relationships with commercial interest companies, and he will not include off-label or unapproved product usage in his presentation(s) or discussion(s).

Non-faculty contributors and others involved in the planning, development, and editing/review of the content have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

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