Please score your agreement with or assessment of the following questions and statements by rating on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 representing the highest level of satisfaction or agreement. * Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree NA=Not applicable to my practice 54321NA 54321NA The information and/or skills learned will enhance my professional competence or ability. The information and/or skills learned will enhance my professional competence or ability. - 5 The information and/or skills learned will enhance my professional competence or ability. - 4 The information and/or skills learned will enhance my professional competence or ability. - 3 The information and/or skills learned will enhance my professional competence or ability. - 2 The information and/or skills learned will enhance my professional competence or ability. - 1 The information and/or skills learned will enhance my professional competence or ability. - NA This activity conveyed information which will assist me in improving the health and/or treatment outcomes of of my patients. This activity conveyed information which will assist me in improving the health and/or treatment outcomes of of my patients. - 5 This activity conveyed information which will assist me in improving the health and/or treatment outcomes of of my patients. - 4 This activity conveyed information which will assist me in improving the health and/or treatment outcomes of of my patients. - 3 This activity conveyed information which will assist me in improving the health and/or treatment outcomes of of my patients. - 2 This activity conveyed information which will assist me in improving the health and/or treatment outcomes of of my patients. - 1 This activity conveyed information which will assist me in improving the health and/or treatment outcomes of of my patients. - NA As a result of participating in this course, to what extent do you agree that you will be better able to accomplish these objectives * Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree 0=Not applicable to my practice 543210 543210 Implement current guidelines and recommendations for the core competencies in hospital medicine as identified by the Society for Hospital Medicine. Implement current guidelines and recommendations for the core competencies in hospital medicine as identified by the Society for Hospital Medicine. - 5 Implement current guidelines and recommendations for the core competencies in hospital medicine as identified by the Society for Hospital Medicine. - 4 Implement current guidelines and recommendations for the core competencies in hospital medicine as identified by the Society for Hospital Medicine. - 3 Implement current guidelines and recommendations for the core competencies in hospital medicine as identified by the Society for Hospital Medicine. - 2 Implement current guidelines and recommendations for the core competencies in hospital medicine as identified by the Society for Hospital Medicine. - 1 Implement current guidelines and recommendations for the core competencies in hospital medicine as identified by the Society for Hospital Medicine. - 0 Analyze and assess current literature in hospital medicine. Analyze and assess current literature in hospital medicine. - 5 Analyze and assess current literature in hospital medicine. - 4 Analyze and assess current literature in hospital medicine. - 3 Analyze and assess current literature in hospital medicine. - 2 Analyze and assess current literature in hospital medicine. - 1 Analyze and assess current literature in hospital medicine. - 0 Rate the following * Scoring Key: 5=Excellent 4=Very Good 3=Good 2=Fair 1=Poor 54321 54321 Course content. Course content. - 5 Course content. - 4 Course content. - 3 Course content. - 2 Course content. - 1 Was this course fair, balanced and without commercial bias? * Yes No If you checked "No,” please explain why: * Please list specific changes you intend to implement in your daily practice as a result of attending this activity. * What are the potential barriers or obstacles that might prevent you from implementing new strategies you learned at this conference? * Comments Please select one: * M.D., D.O. Ph.D. Psy.D. DPM PA-C ARNP R.N. Pharmacist Respiratory Therapist SW/MFT/MHC Other... Please select one: Other... Name Stay Informed * Have you updated your email address lately? Please update your email to ensure you receive all CME communications regarding upcoming live meetings, symposiums and online courses offerings. Yes No If you checked "No,” please click here: * To update your email preferences, please visit our stay informed page. Leave this field blank