As a result of participating in this course, to what extent do you agree that you will be better able to accomplish these objectives * Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree 0=Not applicable to my practice 543210 543210 Identify non-orthopedic “primary care” issues that occur in sports medicine, specifically in the areas of cardiology, dermatology, pulmonology, preventive medicine, pediatric and adolescent medicine, exercise physiology, environmental exposure, athletic populations, team physicians, and protective equipment (including braces). Identify non-orthopedic “primary care” issues that occur in sports medicine, specifically in the areas of cardiology, dermatology, pulmonology, preventive medicine, pediatric and adolescent medicine, exercise physiology, environmental exposure, athletic populations, team physicians, and protective equipment (including braces). - 5 Identify non-orthopedic “primary care” issues that occur in sports medicine, specifically in the areas of cardiology, dermatology, pulmonology, preventive medicine, pediatric and adolescent medicine, exercise physiology, environmental exposure, athletic populations, team physicians, and protective equipment (including braces). - 4 Identify non-orthopedic “primary care” issues that occur in sports medicine, specifically in the areas of cardiology, dermatology, pulmonology, preventive medicine, pediatric and adolescent medicine, exercise physiology, environmental exposure, athletic populations, team physicians, and protective equipment (including braces). - 3 Identify non-orthopedic “primary care” issues that occur in sports medicine, specifically in the areas of cardiology, dermatology, pulmonology, preventive medicine, pediatric and adolescent medicine, exercise physiology, environmental exposure, athletic populations, team physicians, and protective equipment (including braces). - 2 Identify non-orthopedic “primary care” issues that occur in sports medicine, specifically in the areas of cardiology, dermatology, pulmonology, preventive medicine, pediatric and adolescent medicine, exercise physiology, environmental exposure, athletic populations, team physicians, and protective equipment (including braces). - 1 Identify non-orthopedic “primary care” issues that occur in sports medicine, specifically in the areas of cardiology, dermatology, pulmonology, preventive medicine, pediatric and adolescent medicine, exercise physiology, environmental exposure, athletic populations, team physicians, and protective equipment (including braces). - 0 Critically review and discuss treatment indications, clinical outcomes, evidence-based guidelines, complications, morbidity, and mortality. Critically review and discuss treatment indications, clinical outcomes, evidence-based guidelines, complications, morbidity, and mortality. - 5 Critically review and discuss treatment indications, clinical outcomes, evidence-based guidelines, complications, morbidity, and mortality. - 4 Critically review and discuss treatment indications, clinical outcomes, evidence-based guidelines, complications, morbidity, and mortality. - 3 Critically review and discuss treatment indications, clinical outcomes, evidence-based guidelines, complications, morbidity, and mortality. - 2 Critically review and discuss treatment indications, clinical outcomes, evidence-based guidelines, complications, morbidity, and mortality. - 1 Critically review and discuss treatment indications, clinical outcomes, evidence-based guidelines, complications, morbidity, and mortality. - 0 Link the pathophysiologic process and findings of clinical disorders to the appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management. Link the pathophysiologic process and findings of clinical disorders to the appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management. - 5 Link the pathophysiologic process and findings of clinical disorders to the appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management. - 4 Link the pathophysiologic process and findings of clinical disorders to the appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management. - 3 Link the pathophysiologic process and findings of clinical disorders to the appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management. - 2 Link the pathophysiologic process and findings of clinical disorders to the appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management. - 1 Link the pathophysiologic process and findings of clinical disorders to the appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management. - 0 Determine when to refer to a specialist for follow-up care. Determine when to refer to a specialist for follow-up care. - 5 Determine when to refer to a specialist for follow-up care. - 4 Determine when to refer to a specialist for follow-up care. - 3 Determine when to refer to a specialist for follow-up care. - 2 Determine when to refer to a specialist for follow-up care. - 1 Determine when to refer to a specialist for follow-up care. - 0 Explain principles of biomechanics as well as terminology and application to orthopedic sports medicine. Explain principles of biomechanics as well as terminology and application to orthopedic sports medicine. - 5 Explain principles of biomechanics as well as terminology and application to orthopedic sports medicine. - 4 Explain principles of biomechanics as well as terminology and application to orthopedic sports medicine. - 3 Explain principles of biomechanics as well as terminology and application to orthopedic sports medicine. - 2 Explain principles of biomechanics as well as terminology and application to orthopedic sports medicine. - 1 Explain principles of biomechanics as well as terminology and application to orthopedic sports medicine. - 0 Apply specific required components of basic sciences to the practice of orthopedic sports medicine, including biochemistry, biomechanics, embryology, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. Apply specific required components of basic sciences to the practice of orthopedic sports medicine, including biochemistry, biomechanics, embryology, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. - 5 Apply specific required components of basic sciences to the practice of orthopedic sports medicine, including biochemistry, biomechanics, embryology, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. - 4 Apply specific required components of basic sciences to the practice of orthopedic sports medicine, including biochemistry, biomechanics, embryology, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. - 3 Apply specific required components of basic sciences to the practice of orthopedic sports medicine, including biochemistry, biomechanics, embryology, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. - 2 Apply specific required components of basic sciences to the practice of orthopedic sports medicine, including biochemistry, biomechanics, embryology, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. - 1 Apply specific required components of basic sciences to the practice of orthopedic sports medicine, including biochemistry, biomechanics, embryology, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology. - 0 Integrate interdisciplinary clinical quality improvement and patient safety principles into practice. Integrate interdisciplinary clinical quality improvement and patient safety principles into practice. - 5 Integrate interdisciplinary clinical quality improvement and patient safety principles into practice. - 4 Integrate interdisciplinary clinical quality improvement and patient safety principles into practice. - 3 Integrate interdisciplinary clinical quality improvement and patient safety principles into practice. - 2 Integrate interdisciplinary clinical quality improvement and patient safety principles into practice. - 1 Integrate interdisciplinary clinical quality improvement and patient safety principles into practice. - 0 Recognize the signs of fatigue and sleep deprivation and implement fatigue mitigation processes to manage the potential negative effects on patient care. Recognize the signs of fatigue and sleep deprivation and implement fatigue mitigation processes to manage the potential negative effects on patient care. - 5 Recognize the signs of fatigue and sleep deprivation and implement fatigue mitigation processes to manage the potential negative effects on patient care. - 4 Recognize the signs of fatigue and sleep deprivation and implement fatigue mitigation processes to manage the potential negative effects on patient care. - 3 Recognize the signs of fatigue and sleep deprivation and implement fatigue mitigation processes to manage the potential negative effects on patient care. - 2 Recognize the signs of fatigue and sleep deprivation and implement fatigue mitigation processes to manage the potential negative effects on patient care. - 1 Recognize the signs of fatigue and sleep deprivation and implement fatigue mitigation processes to manage the potential negative effects on patient care. - 0 Rate the following * Scoring Key: 5=Excellent 4=Very Good 3=Good 2=Fair 1=Poor 54321 54321 Course content. Course content. - 5 Course content. - 4 Course content. - 3 Course content. - 2 Course content. - 1 Dana Mata, Psy.D. Dana Mata, Psy.D. - 5 Dana Mata, Psy.D. - 4 Dana Mata, Psy.D. - 3 Dana Mata, Psy.D. - 2 Dana Mata, Psy.D. - 1 Was this course fair, balanced and without commercial bias? * Yes No If you checked "No,” please explain why: * How many patients will you see in your practice who will likely be impacted by what you learned at this activity? * 1-5 6-10 Over 10 Not applicable to my practice What do you intend to do differently in the treatment of your patients as a result of what you learned? What new strategies will you apply in your practice of patient care? * If you do not plan to implement any new strategies learned, please list any barriers or obstacles that might keep you from doing so. * List topics related to this lecture that you want to learn more about? Comments Please select one: * M.D., D.O. Ph.D. Psy.D. DPM PA-C ARNP R.N. 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