Define presentation, diagnosis and management of the most common ENT infections seen in the primary care setting. |
Describe how antibiotic usage in ENT treatment remains a subject of controversy. |
Recognize signs and symptoms related to early-onset Parkinson’s disease. |
Describe traditional treatment approaches for early-onset Parkinson’s disease and describe the potential side effects associated with available treatment options. |
Recognize and appropriately diagnose sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and parasomnias. |
Delineate the best available treatment options to date for these sleep disorders. |
Differentiate between these sleep disorders and comorbid medical illnesses. |
Identify new trends in the diagnosis and treatment of lung malignancies and describe bronchoscopy treatment for severe asthma. |
Recognize when to refer patients with abnormal pulmonology imaging findings to a specialist. |
Identify and assess risk factors for falls in older adults. |
Select evidence-based intervention to reduce the risk of falls in older adults. |
Describe some of the most common travel-related infections and symptoms of illness in returning travelers. |
Examine the geographic links associated with tropical infections. |
Analyze the importance of rapid diagnostics of the ill returning traveler. |
Review cases in travel medicine. |