5 = High level of competence 4 = Moderately high level of competence 3 = Average level of competence 2 = Low level of competence 1 = No level of competence
Review the role of greenhouse gases in relation to climate change.
Understand how the healthcare sector contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.
Illustrate the negative effects that plastic waste and anesthetic gases have on the environment.
Analyze current practices that minimize anesthetic waste and their efficacy.
Implement healthcare sustainability strategies to reduce greenhouse gases.
5 = High level of competence 4 = Moderately high level of competence 3 = Average level of competence 2 = Low level of competence 1 = No level of competence
Using billing codes related to heat illness.
Screening patients for risk factors for heat illness/pollution exposure.
Making resources available to patients/families on energy assistance.
Use alternative communication methodologies with patients / families to educate on health impacts of climate change.
None; I am not currently in practice.