Icebreaker - Rochelle Clarke, PhD, LMFT, MSHR |
Anticipatory Grief for Patients/Families, compassion Fatigue, and Staff Wellness - Rochelle Clarke, PhD, LMFT, MSHR |
Medical Cannabis and the Role in Palliative Care - Ann-Marie Wong, M.D. |
Pulmonary Fibrosis-Aggressive Care vs. Symptom Management - Aymarah Robles, M.D. |
How to Prognosticate - Melanie Skelton, M.D. |
Dealing with Difficult Family Dynamics, Conducting a Successful Family Meeting, and Synergy with Referral Sources - Tracy Romanello, D.O. |
Pain Management in the Context of an Opioid Epidemic - Joseph Shega, M.D. |
Music Therapy - Laura Chami, MM, MT-BC |
Non-Pain Symptom Management - Melanie Skelton, M.D. |
When Ethics Meet Clinical Care at the End-of-Life - Sanaz Kashan, M.D. |
Compassionate Extubation: Evidence-Based Practices - Ileana Leyva, M.D. |
Reflections - Tracy Romanello, D.O. |