Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree 0=Not applicable to my practice
Perform an organized cranial nerve exam.
Identify the signs and symptoms of a posterior circulation stroke.
Apply the best work-up for hard-to-diagnose strokes.
Implement appropriate treatments for posterior circulation strokes.
Describe the components of intracranial hemodynamics.
Identify signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure.
Apply appropriate treatment algorithm for increased intracranial pressure.
Define cryptogenic stroke.
Apply the current diagnostic testing to identify cryptogenic stroke.
Implement appropriate interventions for cryptogenic stroke.
Apply the basic principles of intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring.
Assess patients for acute delirium.
Identify common etiologies of delirium in neurologically injured patients.
Implement early nursing interventions to help reduce the risk of delirium in neurologically injured patients.
Identify and define the hallmark findings of Parkinson’s Disease
Recognize the appropriate algorithm and treatment strategies for movement disorder patients.
Identify patients who are medically refractory and good candidates for advanced therapies.
List at least three important turning points in stroke systems of care development.
Explain the evolution of thrombectomy therapy.
Name at least three important research trials that have changed the landscape of thrombectomy treatment.
Evaluate patients with an acute ischemic stroke.
Utilize the NIH stroke scale.
Determine eligibility for IV tPA or endovascular treatment beyond an NIHSS cut off.
Identify warning signs of acute complications following an acute ischemic stroke.
List common antiplatelet therapy for endovascular aneurysm repair.
Describe considerations for the elective aneurysm repair patient prior to starting antiplatelet therapy.
Describe special considerations when using antiplatelet therapy for ruptured aneurysm.
Explain interventions and reversal options.
Recognize how gradual adoption of perfusion-based imaging modalities has begun to refine patient selection and improve treatment of large-vessel occlusions.
Implement interventions to improve outcomes for acute ischemic stroke patients.
Identify opportunities in stroke treatment workflow to optimize treatment times and outcomes.
Scoring key: 5=Very effective, 4= Effective, 3= Somewhat effective, 2= Slightly effective, 1= Completely Ineffective Speakers are listed according to the lecture schedule.
Cranial Nerves: Stick Your Tongue Out! - Elizabeth Kim, R.N.
Complex and Hard to Diagnose Strokes - Michelle Kearney, MSN, R.N., ACNP-BC
Feeling the Pressure...(As in Intracranial Pressure) - Elizabeth Kim, R.N.
Cryptogenic Stroke Clinical Pathways - Michelle Kearney, MSN, R.N., ACNP-BC
Introduction to Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring - Kunal Patel, M.S., CNIM
Acute Delirium in the Neurologically Injured Patient - Vera Bryant, ARNP
Movement Disorders - Bruno V. Gallo, M.D.
Endovascular Update: Where Have We Come From and What Lies Ahead? - Kiffon Keigher, ACNP-BC, R.N.
Clinical Evaluation of the Acute Stroke Patient: The NIHSS and Beyond - Felipe De Los Rios La Rosa, M.D.
Aneurysm Repair: Ruptured, Unruptured and Reversal Options - Kiffon Keigher, ACNP-BC, R.N.
Stroke is Treatable: Update on Endovascular Therapy of Intracranial Aneurysms and Acute Ischemic Stroke - Guilherme Dabus, M.D.
Interventions to Improve Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment Times - Jayme Strauss, MSN, R.N., MBA, SCRN