Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree 0=Not applicable to my practice
Explain the proper use of direct acting antiviral agents in the hepititis C virus (HCV) infected chronic kidney disease (CKD)/ end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients.
Implement appropriate treatment of the HCV positive cryoglobulinemic patient.
Assess cases highlighting the pathogenesis of glomerular disease.
Identify uncommon forms of glomerular injury.
Implement appropriate treatment plans for challenging glomerular disease processes.
Identify nephrocalcinosis in patients that do not pass a kidney stone.
Assess and investigate the medical condition/s caused by nephrocalcinosis.
Explain how nephrocalcinosis can progress in chronic kidney disease and end stage kidney disease.
Assess cases highlighting the pathogenesis of glomerular disease.
Identify uncommon forms of glomerular injury.
Implement appropriate treatment plans for challenging glomerular disease processes.
Scoring key: 5=Very effective, 4= Effective, 3= Somewhat effective, 2= Slightly effective, 1= Completely Ineffective Speakers are listed according to the lecture schedule.
HCV Infection in the CKD and ESRD Patients: Who to Treat and When - David Roth, M.D.
Pathonogenic Insights from the Renal Biopsy: A Case-Based Approach, Part 1 - Dominick Santoriello, M.D.
Nephrocalcinosis, a poorly understood condition - Jose R. Weisinger, M.D.
Pathonogenic Insights from the Renal Biopsy: A Case-Based Approach, Part 2 - Dominick Santoriello, M.D