Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree 0=Not applicable to my practice
54321Not Applicable
Examine epidemiologic factors, clinical presentations and comorbidities associated with psoriasis.
Assess the clinical indications for cannabis as a potential therapy for specific healthcare diagnoses supported by current evidence for efficacy.
Accurately assess the severity and disease activity of ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease.
Examine the data supporting the use of hormone replacement therapy, and analyze where the negative consumer reaction and clinical bias associated with its use transpired.
Recognize the most common sexually transmitted infections, explain their symptoms and examine the significant role of antibiotic resistance.
Examine the implications of non-AIDS related morbidity in chronic HIV infection.
Explain helpful techniques that assist individuals track their food consumption and as a result reduce weight.
Examine current best practices for assessment and lifestyle management of obesity.
Recognize the long term morbidity and mortality associated with chronic hepatitis C infection.
Recognize the clinical presentations associated with pancreatic cancer in order to differentiate the diagnosis.
Examine the metabolic syndrome and its gynecologic consequences that may be linked with certain gynecologic cancers.
Examine the current clinical assessment of a potential patient with multiple myeloma in order to verify the diagnosis and improve patient outcome.
Examine targeted therapy for estrogen receptor positive patients and explain appropriate treatment strategies.
Recognize genitourinary cancers and evaluate the evidence for screening and the role of PSA testing.
Scoring key: 5=Very effective, 4= Effective, 3= Somewhat effective, 2= Slightly effective, 1= Completely Ineffective, N/A= Not Applicable
54321Not Applicable
Living with HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Lorraine Dowdy, M.D.
Hormone Replacement Therapy: Today! Not Yesterday! - Randy Fink, M.D.
Facts Vs. Fiction Surrounding Medical Marijuana: A Traditional Medicine’s Modern Perspectives - Jeffrey Block, M.D.
Comprehensive Weight Management: Exploring a Modern Treatment Paradigm for Obesity - Manuel Torres, M.D.
Food Psychology: Why We Eat More than We Think - James Painter, Ph.D., RD
54321Not Applicable
An Overview of Pancreatic Cancer - Joe Levi, M.D.
Target Therapy Part and Case Presentations - Grace Wang, M.D.
Gastrointestinal Urologic Malignancies - Jorge Caso, M.D.
Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery in Gynecology Oncology - Ricardo Estape, M.D.
Multiple Myeloma - Peter Citron, M.D.
54321Not Applicable
Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Oriana Damas, M.D.
Update on Psoriasis - Frank Don, D.O.
Hepatitis C: Then and Now - Paul Martin, M.D.
YesNoNot Applicable
Increased my knowledge
Enhanced my performance
Improved my competence
Ensured that my patients will have improved outcomes