Examine epidemiologic factors, clinical presentations and comorbidities associated with psoriasis. |
Assess the clinical indications for cannabis as a potential therapy for specific healthcare diagnoses supported by current evidence for efficacy. |
Accurately assess the severity and disease activity of ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease. |
Examine the data supporting the use of hormone replacement therapy, and analyze where the negative consumer reaction and clinical bias associated with its use transpired. |
Recognize the most common sexually transmitted infections, explain their symptoms and examine the significant role of antibiotic resistance. |
Examine the implications of non-AIDS related morbidity in chronic HIV infection. |
Explain helpful techniques that assist individuals track their food consumption and as a result reduce weight. |
Examine current best practices for assessment and lifestyle management of obesity. |
Recognize the long term morbidity and mortality associated with chronic hepatitis C infection. |
Recognize the clinical presentations associated with pancreatic cancer in order to differentiate the diagnosis. |
Examine the metabolic syndrome and its gynecologic consequences that may be linked with certain gynecologic cancers. |
Examine the current clinical assessment of a potential patient with multiple myeloma in order to verify the diagnosis and improve patient outcome. |
Examine targeted therapy for estrogen receptor positive patients and explain appropriate treatment strategies. |
Recognize genitourinary cancers and evaluate the evidence for screening and the role of PSA testing. |