SKU: Miami Cancer Institute Oncology Rehab Symposium, Fourth Annual


Exhibit Booth


Exhibit Space Includes:

One 6’ table

2 Representatives

Company name recognition on symposium website, on signage, welcome slides and in “Meet the Exhibitors” email.

Complimentary Exhibitor Badges (2)

Complimentary breakfast, lunch and refreshments in the Exhibit Hall

Networking opportunities throughout the event




  • Exclusive opportunity to educate a captive audience of physicians and other healthcare professionals!
  • Opportunity to present a non-accredited Product Theater session to inform attendees about the latest product information.
  • Product Theater Sessions must be approved by Baptist Health CME and will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Companies may choose to host a lunchtime Product Theater session.
  • Meeting rooms designated for Product Theater sessions will accommodate up to 50 people.
  • The product theater fee includes a basic audiovisual package.
  • Logistical planning for the product theater is the responsibility of the sponsoring company.

NOTE:  Product Theater participation does not include exhibit participation- exhibit participation is separate; Product Theater support requires a Letter of Agreement to be signed.

Industry Product Theater Presentation†Exclusive! Limited to 1 Sponsor

30 minute session during lunch on Saturday, October 19, will provide a focused, high-value live marketing opportunity for a company to reach motivated professionals. Guidelines will be provided after commitment or upon request.

Company’s link on event website and in promotional emails


To submit payment:

  1. Select Payment Type
  2. Click Add to Cart
  3. Checkout

Tax ID # 65-0267668

If you have any questions, please contact Julie Zimmett at:

Email: [email protected]
Cell: 305-321-5744  

List price: $0.00
Price: $0.00