SKU: Marcus Neuroscience Symposium Product Theater


An exclusive opportunity to educate a captive audience of physicians and other healthcare professionals awaits you.

Companies are invited to present a non-accredited industry session and/or host a social event to inform attendees about the latest product information. Sessions and/or social events must be approved by Baptist Health CME and will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Companies may choose to host a lunchtime or evening industry session or social event. Meeting rooms designed for industry sessions and social events will accommodate up to 50 people. Logistical planning and payment for event and audiovisual expenses are the responsibility of the sponsoring company. Audiovisual expenses are included in the cost of the Product Theater. Sponsoring companies will not be required to provide meal service for attendees.

NOTE:  Product Theater participation does not include exhibit participation- exhibit participation is separate; Product Theater support requires a Letter of Agreement to be signed.

Industry Product Theater Presentation – Exclusive! Limited to 1 Sponsor

30-minute session in the morning before the CME session begins, will provide a focused, high-value live marketing opportunity for a company to reach motivated professionals. Guidelines will be provided after commitment or upon request. Note: There would be a 30-minute buffer after the product theater, before we begin the morning’s education session, as per ACCME guidelines.

Company’s link on event website and in promotional emails


Industry Product Theater Presentation – Exclusive! Limited to 1 Sponsor

30-minute session during lunch, will provide a focused, high-value live marketing opportunity for a company to reach motivated professionals. Guidelines will be provided after commitment or upon request. Note: There would be a 30-minute buffer before the product theater, after the ending of the morning’s education session, as per ACCME guidelines. AND, there would be a 30 minute buffer between the conclusion of the Product Theater and the beginning of the afternoon’s education session.

Company’s link on event website and in promotional emails


Industry Product Theater Presentation  - Exclusive! Limited to 1 Sponsor -
45-minute session after educational session concludes. This session will provide company with a focused, high-value live marketing opportunity to reach motivated professionals. Guidelines will be provided after commitment or upon request. Note: There would be a 30-minute buffer before the product theater, once the afternoon’s education session ends, as per ACCME guidelines.

Company’s link on event website and in promotional emails


To submit payment:

  1. Choose level below
  2. Click Add to Cart
  3. Checkout

Tax ID # 59-1006663

For assistance with exhibits, advertising opportunities, grants, product theaters or symposium logistics, contact
Sanya K. Arscott BSN RN, Marcus Neuroscience Institute Spine Supervisor & Symposium Coordinator, at  [email protected] or 561-955-5704 or
Julie Zimmett, Email: [email protected] 

List price: $0.00
Price: $0.00