Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4= Somewhat agree 3=Neither agree nor disagree 2= Somewhat disagree 1=Strongly disagree NA=Not applicable
The skills learned in this CME course enhanced my professional competence.
The skills learned in this CME course will be applied in the treatment of my patients
Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4= Somewhat agree 3=Neither agree nor disagree 2= Somewhat disagree 1=Strongly disagree NA=Not applicable
Discuss the standards of good team communication and the barriers encountered.
Examine communication tools and strategies that improve patient outcomes.
Critique medical emergency management in terms of communication effectiveness.
Summarize how TeamSTEPPS communication tools are used during patient care events.
Scoring Key: 5=Strongly satisfied 4= Somewhat satisfied 3=Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 2= Somewhat dissatisfied 1=Strongly dissatisfied
Lecture materials.
Speaker's effectiveness in addressing the learning objectives.