5 = High level of competence 4 = Moderately high level of competence 3 = Average level of competence 2 = Low level of competence 1 = No level of competence
Describe the impact of climate change on common diseases treated in the Emergency Department
Explain how certain populations are disproportionately impacted by the health impacts of climate change.
Outline how health facilities are impacted by acute climate related events and steps that can be taken to ensure continuity of operations.
Integrate education on climate health impacts into routine patient encounters.
5 = High level of competence 4 = Moderately high level of competence 3 = Average level of competence 2 = Low level of competence 1 = No level of competence
Using billing codes related to heat illness.
Screening patients for risk factors for heat illness/pollution exposure.
Making resources available to patients/families on energy assistance.
Use alternative communication methodologies with patients / families to educate on health impacts of climate change.
None; I am not currently in practice.