Explain the evidence supporting standardization of treatment options to reduce treatment variation for atrial fibrillation. |
Utilize evidence-based protocols and guidelines developed which include a prevention-based protocol for cardiothoracic patients, inpatient cryptogenic stroke algorithm and long term anticoagulation management protocol for pre/post surgical procedure. |
Employ the oral anticoagulant card in clinical practice as a resource for the long term use of anticoagulation in the acute care and outpatient settings and explain to patients how/when to use this card. |
Assess the indications for use of Diltiazem bolus and continuous infusion protocol and explain the nursing implications of this protocol. |
Implement standardized evidence-based approach of anti-thrombotic agents in the peri-operative/procedural setting utilizing the Bridging Therapy Guideline Statement and the Triple Anti-Thrombotic Therapy algorithm. |