SKU: Sixth Annual Global Summit on Immunotherapy for Hematologic Malignancies


Breakfast Sponsorship - $5,000 
Your company will be recognized on signage around the breakfast area, welcome slides and in the program.

Lunch Sponsorship - $7,500 
Your company will be recognized on signage around the lunch area, welcome slides and in the program.

Device Charging Station - $7,500 
Provide a vital service to enable Symposium attendees to keep their personal devices charged while away from their office(s) and families. Recognition will be posted on signage at the entrance to the exhibit hall and elsewhere throughout the symposium.

Morning Coffee Break - $5,000
Your company will be recognized on signage at up to six beverage distribution locations during our morning coffee break.

Afternoon Dessert and Coffee Break$5,000
Your company will be recognized on signage in the Exhibit Hall and at up to six beverage distribution locations during our afternoon dessert break.

To submit payment:

  1. Choose level below
  2. Click Add to Cart
  3. Checkout

Tax ID # 65-0267668

If you have any questions, please contact Julie Zimmett at:

Email: [email protected]
Office: 786-596-8612

List price: $0.00
Price: $0.00