Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4= Somewhat agree 3=Neither agree nor disagree 2= Somewhat disagree 1=Strongly disagree
The skills learned in this CME course enhanced my professional competence.
The skills learned in this CME course will be applied in the treatment of my patients
Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4= Somewhat agree 3=Neither agree nor disagree 2= Somewhat disagree 1=Strongly disagree NA=Not applicable
Utilize the latest research on gun violence, examining trends, patterns, and contributing factors to deepen a collective understanding.
Assess the effectiveness of existing prevention strategies, legislative approaches and community-based initiatives aimed at curbing gun violence.
Acknowledge the existing gaps in our understanding of gun violence and collaboratively identify areas that require further research and exploration.
Facilitate connections and partnerships among attendees, fostering collaboration between professionals, researchers, policymakers and advocates in the shared goal of reducing gun violence.
Scoring Key: 5=Strongly satisfied 4= Somewhat satisfied 3=Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 2= Somewhat dissatisfied 1=Strongly dissatisfied
Keynote Address: Current Landscape of Gun Violence in America: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities - Alex R. Piquero, Ph.D.
Trigger Points: Unpacking the Nexus Between Gun Legislation, Homicide Rates, and Violence Prevention - Nick Wilson, MPP.
Policy Approaches to Gun Violence Prevention in Miami-Dade County - Nilo Cuervo, Esq.
The Effectiveness and the Promise of Group Violence Interventions and Hospital-Based Violence Interventions - Daniel Webster, ScD.
Group Violence Interventions and Hospital Violence Interventions in Miami-Dade County- Wayne Rawlins,
Gun Violence and What to Do About it from the Perspective of Community Residents - Jonathan Spikes, DSW, LMHC
Mass Shootings in Schools: Lessons from Tragedy and Opportunities for Prevention and Response - Jaclyn Schildkraut, Ph.D.