Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree NA=Not applicable to my practice
The information and/or skills learned will enhance my professional competence or ability.
This activity conveyed information which will assist me in improving the health and/or treatment outcomes of of my patients.
Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree 0=Not applicable to my practice
Recognized and discuss futile treatment considering the individual patient’s goals and treatment preferences.
Define and differentiate between brain death, persistent vegetative state and the minimal conscious state.
Utilize approaches to effective conversations about end-of-life care with patients and families.
Appropriately manage challenges and requirements for withholding or withdrawing care.
Scoring Key: 5=Excellent 4=Very Good 3=Good 2=Fair 1=Poor
Course content.
Rose Allen, DNP, MSM/HM, R.N., CHPN