Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4= Somewhat agree 3=Neither agree nor disagree 2= Somewhat disagree 1=Strongly disagree NA=Not applicable
The skills learned in this CME course enhanced my professional competence.
The skills learned in this CME course will be applied in the treatment of my patients
5 = High level of confidence 4 = Moderately high level of confidence 3 = Average level of confidence 2 = Low level of confidence 1 = No level of confidence Not applicable|Not applicable
54321Not applicable
Identify physical impairments and activity limitations commonly see in child and adolescents with cancer.
Identify CAR toxicities in pediatric patients.
Scoring Key: 5=Strongly satisfied 4= Somewhat satisfied 3=Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 2= Somewhat dissatisfied 1=Strongly dissatisfied
Sarcoma Update - Damon R. Reed, M.D.
Updates on the Role of Immune Effector Therapy and Stem Cell Transplant in ALL - Leslie E. Lehmann, M.D.
CAR-T Cell Outside of ALL - Amanda DiNofia, M.D.
Rehab for Pediatric Cancer Patients - Adrian Cristian, M.D.
Changes and Challenges in Pediatric Palliative Care - Gwen Erkonen, M.D.
New Innovative Sarcoma Treatment - Damon R. Reed, M.D.
Sympathetic and Effective Communication - Marina Villani Capo, Psy.D.
Toxicities Associated with CAR-T Cells - Amanda DiNofia, M.D.
Treatment of Pediatric Severe Aplastic Anemia - Leslie E. Lehmann, M.D.