AI and the Future Integration in Healthcare - Douglas Kondziolka, M.D., M.Sc. |
Opportunities for AI Integration at Miami Neuroscience Institute - Michael McDermott, M.D. |
Case Presentation: Differentiating Essential Tremor from Parkinson's Disease - Jessilyn Pozo, DNP, APRN |
Deep Dive into Surgical Management for Parkinson's Disease - Justin Sporrer, M.D. |
Case Presentation: Evaluating Patients with Head Tremor - Adriana Gonzalez, MSN, APRN |
Management of Cervical Dystonia - Samer D. Tabbal, M.D., FAAN |
Is It a Stroke? Identifying Stroke in the ED and Inpatient Setting; Challenging Scenarios - Mina Rizk, D.O. |
Brain Watching: How Neuro Ophthalmology Boosts the Stroke Program - Maria A. Vera-Silva, M.D. |
Code ICH: Time Still Is Brain - Ashley Bolling, DNP, APRN, and Nina Cruz, MSN, APRN |
PFO Closure for Stroke Prevention - Nish Patel, M.D. |
TTM at Your Hospital: Bundled in Current Evidence or On Thin Ice? - Mary Kay Bader, R.N., MSN |
Large Ischemic Core: What to do? - Kiwon Lee, M.D. |
Intracerebral Hemorrhages: Time to Do More - Kiwon Lee, M.D. |
Post-Intensive Care Syndrome: Know the Data and What Happens to Patients - Karel Fuentes, M.D. |
Case Presentation: Status - Carlos Millan, M.D. |
Status Epilepticus: A Stepwise Approach - Shaun O. Smart, M.D. |
Applications of Medications in Status - Jessica C. Greenwood, Pharm.D., BCPP |
Modern-Day Workup for Epilepsy - Patricia M. Dean ARNP, MSN, CNRN |
Epilepsy: To Operate or Not to Operate - Carlos Millan, M.D. |