Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Alliance Second CME Symposium

Coral Gables, FL US
January 27, 2017 to January 28, 2017

Registration has closed. We have reached maximum capacity.  We will not be able to accept on-site registrations.


This day-and-a-half symposium highlights a spectrum of new developments and innovative advances in current oncology practice. The faculty speakers include leading experts from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and its Cancer Alliance partners. The supporting science, evidence base, and related important research directions are emphasized. The optimal application of the discussed technologies and therapeutic approaches to challenging clinical problems are reviewed.​

Complete details at

Preregistration is required. Please log in to register.

Registration Fees:

Attendee Type




Nurses, Allied Health, Administrators, Industry,



BHSF Employees and Students










 The Symposium fee includes
• All Educational Sessions on Friday and Saturday
• Syllabus and electronic access to presentations
• Continental Breakfast and Break on Friday and Saturday  
• Lunch and Welcome Reception on Friday


Target Audience

Primary Care Physicians, Medical Oncologists, Surgical Oncologists, Hematologist Oncologists, Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists, Dermatologists, Neurologists, Urologists, Osteopathic Medicine Physicians, Radiologists, Pathologists, Hospitalists, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Lab Personnel, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Pharmacists, Respiratory Therapists, Social Workers and all other healthcare professionals involved in the care of oncology patients.

Course Summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
01/27/2017 - 8:00am EST
Event ends: 
01/28/2017 - 12:45pm EST
The Biltmore Hotel
1200 Anastasia Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134
United States


There are no more spaces available for this course.

Required Hardware/Software

Technical Support: If you are experiencing technical difficulties or have received an error message, please send an email to [email protected] and include a print screen of the error message, your browser name and version, username and URL where the error occurred. You can expect a response within 48 hours.

Technical Requirements


The symposium fee includes all Educational Sessions on Friday and Saturday.
Please specify all events you will attend.