Apply the 2018 AHA/ASA updated guidelines of acute stroke care. |
Recognize the value of upcoming clinical trials on non-interventional treatment of acute ischemic stroke. |
Explain the epidemiology and natural course of unruptured cerebral aneurysms. |
Recognize the symptoms associated with unruptured cerebral aneurysms. |
Recognize the importance of developing stroke systems of care. |
Identify patients with posterior circulation stroke. |
Recognize the limitations associated with clinical scale assessments that determine eligibility for acute reperfusion treatment. |
Determine when to triage posterior circulation stroke patients to ICU, neuro-stepdown or floor. |
Select patients for early surgical decompression or medical cytotoxic edema treatment. |
Analyze the importance medical illness plays in the decision-making process. |
Analyze the pros and cons of anticoagulation following ICH or ischemic stroke. |
Appropriately select patients who would benefit from early anticoagulation. |
Describe the mechanisms of elevated intracranial pressure. |
Identify those patients at risk of elevated intracranial pressure. |
Effectively treat intracranial pressure and select patients for neurosurgical procedures to prevent herniation and neurologic injury. |
Examine the latest national guidelines on declaration of death by neurologic criteria. |
Examine an evidence-based approach for the clinical management of the comatose patient. |
Recognize the current recommendations in the treatment and management of subarachnoid hemorrhage. |
Examine the updated classifications of seizures and epilepsy recently published by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). |
Recognize that status epilepticus is a medical emergency associated with significant morbidity and mortality. |
Appropriately manage status epilepticus following an established treatment algorithm. |
Review approaches to treatment and counseling of women with epilepsy during child-bearing age. |
Review indications for and the benefits and risks of surgical interventions for epilepsy based on evidence from randomized controlled trials, cohort studies and case series. |
Examine the associated neuropsychiatric comorbidities of Tourette syndrome with emphasis on recent research. |
Explain recent controversies regarding the etiology of Parkinson’s disease. |
Examine the pathophysiology of functional movement disorders. |