Thank you for completing this post-conference surveyYour feedback to the course directors and faculty will help them measure the impact of the conference and fulfill ACCME requirements. Your suggestions will help us improve future educational activities. Please know that results are anonymous and reported only as collective data. Thank you for supporting our commitment to deliver effective continuing medical education programming in support of improving patient care outcomes. We look forward to welcoming you to another CME/CE event in the near future. What new strategies have you implemented into your practice as a result of your participation in this symposium? * Select all that apply from the following general topics and please provide details of specific strategies in the free space. PRECISION MEDICINE TYROSINE KINASE INHIBITORS IMMUNOTHERAPY PROSTATE CANCER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GENOMIC MEDICINE FOR WOMEN’S CANCERS BREAST CANCER SURGICAL ONCOLOGY RADIATION THERAPY IMAGING APPLICATIONS TEAM MANAGEMENT FOCUS Other... What new strategies have you implemented into your practice as a result of your participation in this symposium? Other... Details * Since attending this symposium how many patients have been impacted by what you learned and put into practice? * 1-5 6-10 Over 10 No Impact I am retired Activity content was not applicable to my clinical practice. If you have not made any changes or implemented any new strategies, what has prevented you from doing so? Please list barriers to change. Comments/Suggestions about this symposium. Institution (MSK, MCI, LVHC, HHC) and/or Name (Optional) Leave this field blank