Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree 0=Not applicable to my practice
The information and/or skills learned will enhance my professional competence or ability.
This activity conveyed information which will assist me in improving the health and/or treatment outcomes of of my patients.
Scoring Key: 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neutral 2=Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree 0=Not applicable to my practice
Educate patients and their families regarding the short and long term side effects of radiation, and convey strategies to improve the patient's quality of life.
Examine the role of radiation therapy as a cancer treatment modality.
Describe the treatment for patients receiving radiation therapy for cancers of the lung, head and neck, breast, prostate and central nervous system and for gynecologic cancers.
Recognize and manage the side effects of radiation treatment for these types of cancers including early and late skin reactions.
Describe the healthcare providers’ roles in caring for patients receiving radiation therapy.
Recognize and treat the late effects of radiation therapy in pediatric patients with a focus on complications.
Scoring Key: 5=Excellent 4=Very Good 3=Good 2=Fair 1=Poor
Course content.
Catherine Hydzik, M.S., CNS, AOCN
Keri Wagner, R.N., NP-C, OCN
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