Presenting Author
Other Authors
Abstract Details
Please include one or two learning objectives. Learning objectives should be active statements. ("At the completion of this presentation, participants should be better able to: apply, compare, evaluate, demonstrate, etc.") Objectives should relate directly to the identified need being addressed. Sources for needs identification can be: expert opinion, focus groups, literature review, evaluation data, etc.
Indicate the purpose and objective of the study, the hypothesis that was tested or a description of the problem.
Include the setting for the study, the methods used, the subjects, the diagnosis or intervention and the type of statistical analysis. If references are needed, they should be provided in the text.
Present as clearly and detailed as possible the outcome of the study, with specific results in summarized form.
Briefly discuss the data and main outcome of the study. Emphasize the significance and future implications of the results.
Important Information
Abstract notification of acceptance/non-acceptance will be emailed to the submitting author by Friday, October 2, 2020, to the email address of the submitter on this form.
Abstract withdrawal must be received by Friday, October 9, 2020.
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